Keeping strong, with some awesome responses to my posts, I reverted back to a few memes, finding my own words just not right or fitting and so these happened:
~Ha! I love this one. It's sooo perfectly me! :D
~This one just made me smile - I wished it were true for me at the time but it gave a little hope at least:
By now, we'd reached the midway point of the month and my meme addiction started to abate a little, allowing me to attempt to write some actual words...just a few though.
16th September 2019
Anxiety / Depression
When you don't have the words to accurately describe how you feel and yet you feel you need to tell someone, say something, even rant or rage online but just... Can't.
This is the closest I've ever gotten to explaining it and yet this doesn't say anywhere near enough!
~Dammit! Not quite pearls of wisdom but it's what I had and I went with it.
17th September 2019
Just taking a moment here to acknowledge all the awesome people in my life. I once wouldn't have imagined having more than one or two people I could call friend. Now, I am honoured, privelidged and happy to call many of you family AND friend.
I go through hard times, periods where I don't see the goodness and love which surrounds me but I promise that when I do come through those times, I appreciate you all even more because you're all still there, ready and willing to help however you can.
Anxiety and depression are beasts I have to live and fight with but that you all choose to fight alongside me is just so humbling.
Thank you.
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